ITV brings world renowned television game show to Manchester Central
Potato, part of ITV Studios, is to rebuild the toughest obstacle course on television at Manchester Central for a new ITV entertainment series.
The set will be constructed when Potato makes Ninja Warrior UK, the British version of the ultimate sports entertainment game show which has seen huge success in Japan, America and across Europe.
Already a smash hit worldwide, the production company needed a world-class venue to start filming for the UK version later this month.
Manchester Central's sheer scale and flexibility made it the venue of choice as it is well equipped to accommodate Ninja Warrior UK's giant set, which was also used for the Swedish and Turkish versions of the production.
ITV previously worked with Manchester Central when putting on The X Factor Live Final and the venue's experienced team has had plenty of practice in delivering specialist sporting events including the Taekwondo Grand Prix and the AJ Bell World Squash Championship.
Angie Robinson, CEO at Manchester Central, said: “Working with ITV is always exciting – they really make the most of what Manchester Central has to offer and Ninja Warrior UK will be no exception. The production will absolutely show off the versatility of the venue and Manchester Central will provide a truly iconic backdrop to the event.â€'