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Press Releases


26 Sep 2023

AEV announces board changes

AEV announces board changes

After the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Association of Event Venues (AEV) held at Manchester Central on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the AEV has revealed alterations to the board.

The chair, Shaun Hinds, CEO, Manchester Central, and vice chair, Ian Taylor, managing director, NEC remain in situ to serve their second year on the board.

Hinds said, “I am pleased to report that the AEV has enjoyed yet another prosperous year, effectively addressing the challenges and providing unwavering support to its members; achieved through the commitment of our board and central AEV team”.

The following members were re-elected to the board: Jackie Boughton, head of business events, Barbican Exhibition Centre; Paula Lorimer, director, Harrogate Convention Centre; Paul Michael, managing director, Coventry Building Society Arena. Julie Driscoll, CEO, Olympia London having been co-opted to the board earlier in the year, was formally elected. Carlo​ Zoccali, venue director, Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre has stepped down. Rowan Kitching, in her new role as venue director, Roundhouse was also re-elected to the board.

Hinds added, “Our working groups remain one of our most valued services.  With 15 groups currently running, we have hosted 48 meetings in the past year. These groups proved indispensable during the pandemic and have seen record levels of participation and activity. Thanks to our members for their contribution.”

The meeting was followed by the association’s annual Chair’s Event bringing together member guests from the board and the working groups.

Rachel Parker, AEV director, welcomed the new board members, "I am delighted to welcome Rowan and the re-elected members back to the board.  I’m looking forward to continuing to work together and know their experience and knowledge will be a great advantage to the board as we shape AEV’s future progress.”

Parker continued, “I’d like to thank Carlo for his contribution over the last couple of years and wish him well.”



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