AEV announces board update
After the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Association of Event Venues (AEV) held at Silverstone International Conference and Exhibition Centre on Monday, September 16, 2024, the AEV has revealed alterations to the board.
The chair, Ian Taylor, managing director, NEC; vice chair, Kerry Villa, chief operating officer, ACC Liverpool and treasurer Jeremy Rees, chief executive officer, ExCeL London remain in situ to serve on the board.
Taylor, who extended thanks to outgoing chair Shaun Hinds following his departure from Manchester Central, said, “Membership, engagement, interaction and financial standing are all strong. Shaun left the AEV in excellent shape and I look forward to continuing the work we have set ahead of us.”
Steve Sayer, vice president and general manager, The O2, was re-elected to the board and the following members were formally elected having filled casual vacancies earlier in the year: Rob Wicks, managing director, P&J Live; Andy O’Sullivan, CEO, Olympia Events; Sarah Marshall, venue director, Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre and Lori Hoinkes, chief executive, Manchester Central.
Taylor added, “We have taken time to review our strategy and recognise our key factors in achieving our goals to continue advocating for the industry and ensuring we have the finance and resources to support and serve our members. We now have 48 members, nine academic associate members and offer 16 working groups hosting 52 meetings over the past year. As always, we are extremely grateful to all our members for their contributions.”
Bringing together members from the board and the working groups, the meeting was followed by the association’s annual Chair’s Event including a tour from the host venue.
Rachel Parker, AEV director, welcomed the new board members, "I am delighted to welcome the formally elected and the re-elected members back to the board. We are busier than ever and I am looking forward to a productive year ahead, starting with our annual conference being held on Thursday 14 November at ICC Birmingham.”