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Press Releases


03 Feb 2017

AEV announces NaCTSO document fraud workshop

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced it will be holding a document fraud workshop, delivered by officers from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), to help its members discover and detect fake identity documents.

The workshop, aimed at (but not limited to) security and HR personnel at member organisations, will be held from 9.30am - 12pm on Tuesday 28 February 2017, at the Business Design Centre London.

Coming as a result of NaCTSO's presentation to the AEV Security Working Group in October 2016, the workshop will admit a maximum of 20 delegates. It will give them an opportunity to examine counterfeit and genuine identity documents, and gain a better understanding of the security features used on different documents.

Rachel Parker, AEV director, explained the association's desire to hold a document fraud workshop for members, saying “I listened carefully to NaCTSO's presentation to the Security Working Group last year, summarising the aims and objectives of the full workshop session, and noticed that the whole group was impressed with the clarity and practical focus of NaCTSO's advice and guidance that will help when recruiting staff. We immediately resolved to organise a full two hour workshop for members with NaCTSO's help, and this has now come to fruition.”



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