AEV appoints new membership executive

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced the appointment of Sarah Appleyard to the position of membership executive. Appleyard started work at the AEV on April 20th, and her appointment fills the vacancy created by the promotion of Kimberley Miles to AEV association manager.
Appleyard was pleased to have been selected for the position, saying, “I'm very excited to be have been chosen as the AEV's new membership executive and I'm looking forward to meeting and working with our many members over the next few weeks.”
Appleyard joins the association with 9 years experience as executive assistant to the head of EMEA Equity Trading at Citigroup Global Markets, Canary Wharf, London. Her role at Citigroup involved providing organisational and administrative support to senior management.
As membership executive, Appleyard's role will be to provide proactive membership services focused on AEV members, but also supporting cross association membership initiatives. Appleyard will also support the AEV manager and director, and will be the the central point of contact, control and organisation for the AEV's board and working group meetings.
AEV director, Rachel Parker, welcomed Appleyard to the association saying “Sarah's approachability, proven organisational expertise and skill set are going to be great assets for the association and it's members, and her formidable business experience gives her the all-important insight I know our members will recognise and trust.”