AEV Event Managers Working Group - 18 March 2015
The first meeting of the Association of Event Venues (AEV) Event Managers Working Group in 2015 took place at the NEC, Birmingham on March 18th, and was well attended by members including some new faces to the group.
Three guest speakers provided the main focus for the day. John Dukes, from Amadeus at the NEC spoke to the group about catering, and sampling and licensing in particular, an eGuide discussion topic that the group had specifically requested. The second speaker was Chloe Batchelor from ACC Liverpool, who updated the group on the new CDM regulations coming into force on April 6th 2015 with her knowledge gleaned attending meetings with the HSE over the last 12 months. Finally John Herriott, also from ACC Liverpool, presented the meeting with a talk on his area of expertise: crowd management and queueing in public areas.
To close, the group agreed two discussion topics for the next meeting, sporting activities and adult entertainment.
The next meeting will be held on 02 July 2015 at The O2.