AEV member salary survey enjoys 30% increase in participation
The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced that it has completed the 2015 detailed salary survey of its members and published the results to the survey participants. The survey was launched to the membership in July 2015 with a mentor being made available to help collate and submit responses as participants came forward. The survey asked each venue for very detailed financial information, including pay and bonuses across the whole salary structure, and thus the results will not been made publicly available.The survey attracted a 30% increase in respondents compared to 2014, which was viewed as a positive development by AEV director, Rachel Parker.
“This jump in participation,” said Parker, “is very gratifying, as we have worked hard to convince members to join in with the survey. I understand it is a detailed piece of work that takes some time to complete, but I'm convinced we can bring more and more members round over time. I hope we will continue the trend of rising participation next year.”
Asked about the significance of the AEV salary survey, Parker said, “Annual salary surveys are vital to ensuring the health and future of the sector, because detailed compensation benchmarking allows venues to make informed remuneration decisions. By extension, this improves their ability to find, keep and motivate their best employees, from the show floor to the boardroom.”
The survey's results received their approval from the HR Working Group Chair, Adam Chircop, Head of HR, ExCeL London, and were sent out to the CEO level and HR executives of every participating venue last month.