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Press Releases


20 Feb 2018

AEV reveals industry growth with publication of SASiE report.

AEV reveals industry growth with publication of SASiE report.

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has released a selection of key findings from the annual Size And Scale index of Events (SASiE) report for 2016, published this month by the AEV, Association of Event Organisers (AEO) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA). This edition of the SASiE report includes, for the first time, a detailed and quantitative trends analysis based on 3 years of consistent data across several key metrics.

Nigel Nathan, managing director, Olympia London and chair of the AEV research group welcomed the publication of the report, saying, “This new edition of SASiE further widens and extends our view of the industry. It complements the detailed collection of benchmark data for 2016 with a year-on-year analysis, that reveals exciting growth in the number of exhibitions being held at the UK's main exhibition venues. This report provides essential, quantified marketing intelligence to organisers, venues, and suppliers of every size.”

The trends analysis section of the report reveals growth across other metrics too, notably the average number of exhibition open days which showed a significant rise in 2016. Gross average trade exhibition size showed steady growth since 2014, as did overall visitor numbers across trade and consumer shows.

Rachel Parker, AEV director, welcomed the ongoing results of the research, saying “Three years of collected data allows SASiE to make a quantifiable assessment of changes in the size and scale of events. We will be building on this dataset with the 2017 report which will be in production soon.”

Parker concluded, "I'd like to thank the AEV Research Group for its sterling work in bringing the SASiE reports together, and the participants who have collected and collated the essential data and made it available to the group. I would encourage any venue or organiser business, who would like greater insight into headline trends like these to contact AEV and find out more about joining the SASiE initiative.”



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