Event Managers Working Group Summary
The Event Managers Working Group attracted over 25 attendees at the meeting held on 12th February 2020 at ICC Wales. In the Chair for the last time, NEC's Michelle Baldwin welcomed guest presenter Peter Vlachos from the University of Greenwich who is seeking AEV accreditation for their Event Management degree. This was an insightful presentation which will be summarised to the AEV Board for further discussion.
Individual venue updates around the table made for discussions to take place on sustainability, coronavirus, security arches, digital media, religious shows, HS2 and more. Agenda items raised in advance included body piercings, CBD/Vape shows and battery power. Suffice to say the meeting ran over and items for future agenda items were agreed before Leon Hughes from ICC Wales spoke about the event management challenges of opening a new venue. Following this was a full tour of the new venue which was admired greatly by all attendees.