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Press Releases


31 Mar 2015

Industry associations announce major research initiative.

The Association of Event Organisers (AEO), Association of Event Venues (AEV) and the Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) have today released details of a major 3-year research study into the UK exhibitions and live events sector. Known as SASiE (size and scale index for events), the research programme is designed to measure the overall volume and dimensions of the sector and, in years two and three, provide benchmarking and quality metrics for all their members. SASiE will also make future projections for the sector.

Data will be collected on a regular basis from event organisers and event venues on their major trade shows (B2B and B2C), conference-related exhibitions, live music events and outdoor events, via a purpose-designed online questionnaire.

Registration and ticketing companies and audit bureaux are also expected to contribute to the research programme. Participation is not restricted to members of the three trade bodies, as non-members are also being invited to contribute.

Results will be published in an annual report, while all participating companies (organisers and venues) will receive quarterly personalised summaries, enabling them to benchmark their performance against competitors.

The research project is being led by the AEV and will be developed and managed by specialist consultants Tony Rogers Conference & Event Services and RJS Associates, both of which have many years' experience in the business events sector.

Nick Marshall, executive chairman of Global Experience Specialists (GES) and ESSA research champion welcomed the announcement saying “SASiE is the culmination of a focused cross association effort to gain a deeper and more detailed understanding of our industry, and is unprecedented in terms of scale and scope. The importance of reliable, comprehensive data collection and analysis to our industry cannot be overestimated, and I'm confident that SASiE will provide our members with the vital industry insight we all need.”

Commenting on SASiE, Paul Byrom, managing director of Upper Street Events and AEO research champion, said, ‘We have recognised for some time that there are substantial gaps in our market intelligence, not least in understanding the overall size of the market and the percentage share represented by AEO members. We are delighted to see the commissioning of this new research and are confident that it will provide the information and insights that the industry and our members require.'

Nigel Nathan, managing director for Olympia London, and AEV research champion, said: ‘Our members require robust data on the events sector to benchmark their performance, to understand the opportunities for growth and to identify future and emerging trends. We have designed SASiE to fulfil all of these objectives.'



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