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Press Releases


25 Nov 2016

Industry wide HR group formed.

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced a partnership with its sister associations and events talent partner, tfconnect, to create a biannual HR working group that will bring together HR professionals from leading venues, organisers and contractors to develop an industry-wide overview of HR in the events industry.

The original idea was raised in the AEV's HR Working Group in September, when group members expressed a desire to open up the discussion to the organiser and contractor communities via the Association of Event Organisers (AEO) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA).

Rachel Parker, AEV director, and Trevor Foley, managing director of tfconnect, quickly realised that there was a significant crossover between tfconnect's own industry-wide HR group and the AEV's long-standing HR working group, and an agreement to fuse both groups into a “super HR group” was made.

As Parker explained, “The desire for a joint HR working group has come directly from AEO, ESSA and AEV members who see huge value in learning and sharing best practice with each other. By distilling the event HR discussion into two meetings a year, and opening them to representatives from the whole industry, we have created an inclusive and robust platform for addressing the HR issues that affect us all. I'd urge any interested members of the associations to get in touch with AEV to find out about joining the group.”

Foley commented, “Industry-wide, more focused meetings, will ensure the industry works more effectively to achieve actionable outcomes and greater insight.”

The date of the first meeting has been set for 9 March 2017 and will be in London.



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