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Press Releases


13 Jul 2015

Marketing and Comms Working Group - 11 June 2015

The AEV's Marketing & Comms Working Group met for the second time this year at the NEC on June 11 2015, and was well attended with 18 members present including several new faces.

The meeting enjoyed presentations from two guest speakers, Murray Dickson from The NEC and Sarah Whittaker & Tarah Hewitt from The Ticket Factory. Dickson addressed the meeting on the subject of iBeacons, Apple's indoor positioning and point of interest technology, and provided much insight into how this technology is currently being used, and its future in venues and events. Whittaker and Hewitt presented members with a history of ticketing technology, before outlining what the future might hold for event ticketing.

The Working Group's round table news formed a substantial part of the day's agenda. Members were keen to share good news, much of it related to investments in expansions and improvements to their respective venues.

The Working Group agreed to reduce the number of meetings to two per year, and extend the length of each meeting from two to three hours. The Marketing and Communications Working Group convene for the last time this year on October 28 at ACC Liverpool, and will feature speakers from the principal media monitoring agencies.

The meeting concluded with an exclusive tour of the NEC's Resorts World, a £150m integrated leisure and entertainment complex due to open this Autumn.



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