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01 May 2015

Morrison appointed chair of Electrics Technical Committee.

Morrison appointed chair of Electrics Technical Committee.

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) has announced the appointment of Chris Morrison, director of facilities of Olympia London, as the newest chair of the  Electrics Technical Committee. Morrison, a long standing member of the committee, stepped forward to take the chair at the most recent meeting in March.

Rachel Parker, AEV's director was unequivocal in endorsing the committee's choice, saying, “I'm confident that Chris' years of experience, prominent profile in the industry and proven executive skills will be invaluable to the committee.”

Chris Morrison outlined his ambitions for the committee saying, “As venues continue to increase their use of technology, and exhibitors demand more and more power, this committee has its work cut out to stay abreast of developments and potential issues. As chair of the committee I want to continue strengthening cooperation and information sharing between our association and the Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) and the Association of Event Organisers (AEO).

“I'd also like to help the committee focus on the new challenges being posed by technology,” continued Morrison, “and to consider all three associations in their search for solutions, thereby broadening the scope and influence of the committee. The number of potential issues that will come to face the industry, over the next few years, is sure to grow. In the medium to long term, I'd like to see the committee build on the excellent collaborative spirit and business intelligence they have already amassed. It would be valuable to all parties if we were able to give advance warning of, and even preempt issues, before they become live problems for members and the industry at large.”

The next meeting of the  Electrics Technical Committee will be on Wednesday 21st October at the NEC, Birmingham.



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