A New Year.. a new identity
Our 5 Cross Association Association working groups are the power house of each sister Association. These groups enable cross pollination and the exploration of ideas relevant to the industry. Challenges can be raised, issues debated, ideas conceived and solutions sought.
Given this collaboration what better way to identify them but via an icon that reflects this joined up thinking.
We are proud to reveal your new icons - Technology, Electrics Technical, H&S, HR and Sustainability.
For those from venues, organisers and suppliers in membership who would like to be part of this conversation please contact:
AEV : alden@aev.org.uk
AEO: hayley@aeo.org.uk
ESSA: nicola@essa.uk.com
We welcome and value all experience and expertise and encourage enthusiasm. Collaboration in this way will allow us all to grow..
Challenge & Debate, Resolve & Evolve, Learn & Grow