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Press Releases


25 Jul 2017

Report: AEV Event Managers Working Group, June 28, 2017.

Report: AEV Event Managers Working Group, June 28, 2017.

The AEV Event Managers Working group convened ahead of the AEV conference, at The NEC, Birmingham, on June 28, 2017 with Michelle Baldwin of the NEC taking the chair for the first time. 20 members representing 12 venues were in attendance, along with two guests and Kim Dance from the AEV, who was there to introduce and welcome both Baldwin as the new chair of the group, and Tom Edwards of ExCeL London as the new vice-chair.

Baldwin opened the meeting formally with thanks to the attendees, a reading of the apologies and a welcome to all new members and guests. Following round table introductions and the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting in November, Baldwin introduced the meeting's guest speaker, Suzanne Bull MBE, from Attitude is Everything who was invited to talk to the group about access statements and accessibility at venues.

Thanking Bull for her presentation, Baldwin then moved the meeting on to the discussion topics on the agenda including an update from the sub-committee looking at form standardisation and complex structures submission deadlines.

After lengthy discussions and the agreement of several important action points, the meeting then turned its attention to round table news and general venue updates, featuring contributions from many of the venues represented. With the discussions concluded the meeting turned its attention to future agenda items before agreeing the date of the next meeting as Thursday November 23, 2017 at a venue to be confirmed.

With no further business, Baldwin thanked members for their attendance and formally closed the meeting.



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