Report: AEV Security Working Group: 07/03/2018
The first Security Working Group meeting of 2018 took place at Olympia London in their prestigious Apex Room. Refreshments and a fantastic lunch was provided by Levy UK.
Two invited guests presented. A representative from CPNi (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) and NaCTSO (National Counter Terrorism Security Office) illustrated the importance of joined up vigilance and adoption of current technologies/methodologies in the attempts to make venues/outdoor spaces safer.
Round table updates for those venues present illustrated awareness and adoption of preventative measures. A member venue invited other attendees to observe their full scale overnight exercise (in collaboration with the police) taking place later in the year.
Andy Coulson was presented with a leaving gift on behalf of the Working Group and AEV to thank him for his dedication as Chair. The Group will vote on who will take over this position going forward.
Thank you to Stuart Tomlinson (Olympia - London) for arranging the room, refreshments and lunch.
With a new Chair in place, our next meeting is in September.