Report: AEV/AEO/ESSA Technical Committee, Electrics meeting, November 9, 2017.

The AEV/AEO/ESSA Technical Committee, Electrics convened at the QEII Centre on Thursday November 9, 2017 with Chris Morrison of Olympia London in the chair.
Morrison opened with a welcome to all members of the committee followed by a reading of the apologies and round table introductions for the benefit of new members.
After completing the preliminaries of approving the notes from the last meeting on March 29, 2017, the committee moved straight on to the discussion topics on the agenda, starting with the potential of a competency plan operated through the Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA).
The committee then considered various approaches by the associations and their members to address issues surrounding training and recruiting young people into the industry, with a particular focus on the committee's field of expertise.
The discussion continued across a number of other topics on the agenda including a request for a volunteer to represent the industry on the BS7909 (electrical safety at events) committee and additions to the eGuide Electrics Regulations.
Reaching the end of the discussion topics, the committee agreed the meeting dates for 2018 as Wednesday May 16, 2018 and Wednesday November 7, 2018 with the venues to be announced. After rounding off with Any Other Business, Morrison thanked all the members for attending and closed the meeting.
Visit the AEV/AEO/ESSA Technical Commitee, Electrics page here