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28 Apr 2016

Report from the Technical Committee – Electrics, Olympia London,April 6th 2016

The cross association Technical Committee – Electrics convened its first meeting of the year on April 6th at Olympia London, and was well attended by members including Chris Morrison, director of facilities at Olympia London, in the chair, and the directors of the Association of Event Venues (AEV) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA), Rachel Parker and Andrew Harrison respectively.

After apologies and a welcome for new attendees from Freeman, Full Circle Events, Ricoh Arena, Showlite and The NEC, the minutes of the last meeting were duly approved, and the committee moved on to the business of the day.

The first item on the agenda was the 6 month review of the electrical test form from the most recent iteration of the eGuide, and the feedback from the group was predominantly positive. Members commented that the form is an improvement on the previous version both in terms of content and consistency, and functions much better as a working template that both venues and contractors have readily accepted.

Members agreed that the new electrical test form was a good example of the success and significance of the group's work. The group resolved to communicate its progress in improving electrical testing to the memberships with links to the test form itself in order to further promote and encourage its use.

ESSA director, Andrew Harrison, addressed the group next with an update on ESSA's training college initiative, with a specific focus on how ESSA was considering becoming an Apprenticeship Training Agency and partnering with a college to deliver industry apprenticeship places. The group welcomed the initiative and felt that working towards industry specific apprenticeships would be the best way forwards.

There were discussions around whether there is a need in our industry for a replacement for the electrical competency card that was issued by BECA, and discontinued when BECA and AEC merged to form ESSA. Following the advent of CDM 2015, some form of automated system for registering electrical competency and a quick and convenient method for checking credentials on the show floor. It was suggested that a card carrying system was outdated and that the associations, and the working group in particular, might want to look at a digital, app-based solution, if this was taken any further.

The group then went on to discuss a variety of topics including harmonic distortion, water waste, and an update from the AEV's representative on the BS7641 committee and the JPEL 64 committee.

Following the round table news from members, and general member updates, future agenda items were discussed and suggested, and the meeting then went on to agree the date and venue of the next meeting as Thursday November 3rd at FIVE (Farnborough International Ltd.).

Concluding the meeting, AEV director Rachel Parker thanked Olympia London for hosting the meeting and proceedings were concluded by the chair.



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