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DEI Hub: Five pillars of inclusion



Five pillars of inclusion

Event professionals recognise the need for greater diversity in the industry and have sought guidance on improving diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

The cross-association DEI working group is pleased to reveal the 'Five pillars of inclusion'.

View the pillars here


How will the pillar commitments support you?

  • They are designed to provide a framework for all to ensure that you are implementing a good level of D&I in your business.
  • They are intended to help you measure and identify any areas needing particular focus.
  • Representatives who sit on the Cross-Association D&I Working Group will be asked by their organisation to report back progress.
  • The score against the pillars will be:
5 pillars

Case studies

Informa DEI case study

Members of the cross-association DEI working group have been creating case studies outlining how they have implemented the pillars in their own businesses.

Introduction: the five pillars


Pillar 1: Recruitment & hiring

Pillar 2: Developing talent


Pillar 3: Company culture

Pillar 4: Partners & suppliers




Pillar 5: Leadership & employees


Member Venues